I use metal scraps, wire fragments, wood, boxes, bones, feathers, and any other small collected and found objects to create three-dimensional assemblage. Poetry and text fragments are often an intrinsic element in my objects. Like much of the work of Joseph Cornell, Hannelore Baron, and Betye Saar, my work reflects my interests and personal experiences.
The Best Season
8” x 10.5” x 6” assemblage. Materials: found wooden and metal box, vertebrae, feathers, and the poem The Best Season by the artist.
Words by Virginia Woolf
5.5” x 5.5” Assemblage/Biblio-object. Materials: found wooden box and glass vases, decorative paper and text.
Small Altar
9” x 12” assemblage. Materials: found metal square fragment and ceramic box; bird nest, egg, and grey feather; Joss paper and handmade artist book with Adam Zagajewski’s poem Try to Praise the Mutilated World.
Blush to Grieve
10.5” x 6.5” x 6” assemblage. Materials: vintage rusted metal electrical box, rusted metal grid, antique watch face, rusted metal spring, micro human spine, alabaster cap, and poem Blush to Grieve by the artist.
8” x 8.5’ x 3” assemblage and artist book Desire by the artist. Materials: repurposed box, decorative papers, metal rings, thread, photo, and sweet gum seed pod.
11” x 14” assemblage. Materials: Found metal objects.
Cartographer (exterior)
14” x 9” x 5” assemblage. Materials: repurposed box, decorative papers, and ephemera.
Cartographer (interior)
28” fully expanded. Materials: found objects, remembrance photo, one scroll and one small accordion-hinge artist book, each incorporating a poem by the artist honoring a close friendship.